Friday, October 23, 2009


So I had a friend call me up a week or two ago and she wanted a Yoda cake for her son's birthday but didn't know how to go about it. If she'd contacted me a bit earlier than 2 days before the event, I would have tried to come up with a way to do 3D. As it turned out, we only had time to do this one, but I thought it turned out really fun. I did make her do most of the frosting and she even drew Yoda (she's an artist so I didn't dare draw anything for her) but I helped walk her through it and it was a success!

This one I have been planning a bit longer. I thought for sure it was within my realm of possibility but wasn't sure how it would go until it was finished. I had so much fun playing with the fondant that I'm sure it will be my new favorite medium. Now to see if it can stand until Sunday night.


Jeanne said...

The boys LOVE it!! Packer says you should start selling your cakes. And then, as I was showing the pictures to Micah, I asked him what he thought. His jaw dropped and then Packer said, "your stunned silence is very telling". Amen.

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