Saturday, June 25, 2011


Over the last few months I have come to the conclusion that everyone is an idiot except for me.

Obviously I don't really think that is true, it just sounded like a really good starting line. However, I do believe there are a plethera of idoits out there and I am sad to say that I am aquainted with too many of them.

I am tired of reading comments on facebook, blogs, and to my face, about how upset people are because the "need" to buy a minivan. They act like it is the equivalent of having to wear a headgear as a teenager.

It seems like many of these women are afraid of the stigma attached with owning a minivan. Let's forget for a moment that these are supposed to be adults we are dealing with, not teenage girls, who should not give a damn what others think of them, and break down this supposed stigma.

1. Owning a minivan implies that you are most likely a mother.

2. Owning a minivan implies that you have been blessed multiple times.

3. Owning a minivan implies that you care enough to shuttle your kids around to every piano lesson, soccer practice, and dentist appointment they need to attend.

4. Owning a minivan implies that you have been blessed and are fortunate enough to be able to afford a vehicle that can carry your entire family from point A to point B.

What is it exactly that makes these women, blessed with posterity and means, cringe at such a stigma?



Judy Miller said...


This is JUDY

About two sisters which have no kids at all in their home under 5 foot 8 anymore love their Toyota Sienna minivans. They can carry tons of stuff in them and even a couch! I say drive whatever works for your needs and forget about what people say!
For me, we just bought a PICKUP and is it fun and useful for us.

Judy Miller

Devany said...

I couldn't agree more! If it fits your needs, what else matters. I LOVE pickups, especially old ones that are meant to get beat up!

Jeanne said...

Hahaha! Love my Sienna.

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