Friday, July 15, 2011


It's here!!!

Walk For The Cure is on

August 20, 2011

Here is Natalies 2011 video

This year, in order to boost participation, I am offering a FREE CUSTOM CAKE to one lucky doner. All you need to do is donate at least $5.00 to Team NATTY WALKERS at before August 20, 2011. Be sure to donate to Team NATTY WALKERS and leave your email address so I can contact you if you win. If the winner lives outside the SLC area, the prize is 24 custom cupcake toppers, sorry, I cannot ship a cake. Offer excludes wedding cakes.

This offer is for ANYONE who donates to NATTY WALKERS. Please invite your freinds and family to participate as well.

I hope this encourages more people to donate to this very worthy cause. If you do not win the cake, please know that you are contributing to a life-changing cause. The money goes to research for better treatment of, and ultimately a cure for, Type 1 Diabetes.

Thank you for your support!


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