Thursday, August 11, 2011

Summer Vacation 2011

We have not been on a real vacation in 3 years.

That's why when my sis-in-law emailed me 2 weeks ago saying that they were thinking of a spur-of-the-moment trip to CA, we dropped everything and left.

The best part is that my parents didn't know we were coming so we completely suprised them, mom at 10pm on Saturday, dad in the chapel before church the next morning. It was HILARIOUS!!!

Anyway, backing up a bit, Jared, Jeanne, and kids came to our house first and spent the night. Then we all took off the next morning for CA.

All the girls trying (and failing) to sleep.

All the grandkids (sans James and Oliver) eating Sunday dinner.

Stevie earned $20.00 by crawling under the house to thread piping for a new refridgerator water line.

The kids swam in Grammy's pool every day there except Sunday. They even went swimming AFTER they returned from the beach one day!

You can't really see in these pictures, but there were several dolphins playing less than 20 yards from the shore.

Emma LOVED the endless (and kitty-poop-free) sandbox.

She even tried to bury Steve in all of it!!!

In all, it was a successful trip with lots of sunburns and memories to hold us through the winter months.


Emilie Johansen said...

Looks like so much fun. I am jealous. I can't believe how much Emma is looking like Natalie.

Jeanne said...

Good times! We miss you already!!

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