Saturday, September 1, 2012


This summer we had a lot of fun right here in Utah!
For example, we finally went on the ward campout for the first time in 7 years.  Although somewhat entertaining, the very best part came after we left the next morning.
Some good friends in the ward invited us to go...

This particular friends' in-law's lived about 15 minutes from the ward campsite. 


Those of you with whom I grew up, know that I ALWAYS wanted riding lessons.

I did have a friend with a horse who taught me to ride.

I went so far as to take a class at BYU.


I was so excited to be able to take my kids and let them have this experience.

They LOVED it!!!


Even though they were mostly led around the corral.

I know I took pictures of Stevie and Steve, I just can't find them.  I'm especially bummed I can't find the one of Steve looking completely awkward on the horse.  Hilarious!!!


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