Sunday, December 9, 2012

Side Project

When you are up to your eyeballs in work and have a million things to do on your house remodel...what is the best thing to do with your "spare" time???
A side project!!!
It all began with a leaky faucet in the upstairs bathroom.  I asked Steve to look at it and he decided that the faucet needed to be replaced.  Well, the vanity had water damage from the faucet, so we opted to put in a pedestal sink instead.  So we bought a new sink (which we ended up returning becuase our neighbor had a brand new on in his garage that he didn't want) and upon looking at the complicated set up, decided that we should replace the nasty laminate flooring with tile before permanantly attaching it to the floor. 
So now we're into the bathroom with a faucet, pedestal sink, and new tile.  I figured since it turned into such a huge project, I may as well shoot for the moon and paint it too.
I always forget to take before pictures, so imagine in your mind the half white - half forrest green painted walls, the gold and white 70's laminate, and the tiny, warped, cheap looking vanity.


Now doesn't that look better?
Now we can move on to framing the house.


Jeanne said...

Looks good! Did you guys tile it yourselves?

Devany said...

We did. As much as I hate having tile in my kitchen, it looks SO good in the bathroom!

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