Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Some people might not consider this a miracle, but I do.

Yesterday there was a lot of commotion around the holiday barbeque and in the midst of chaos, I gave Natalie her daily dose of lantus. This gives her a base level of insulin that lasts for 24 hours. Last night as I was drifting off to sleep a thought popped into my head and I mumbled to Steve "Did you give Natalie her lantus today?". He said yes. I was instantly wide awake. She had gotten a double dose that could make her drop like a rock in her sleep!

Long story short, we tested her every 2 hours last night giving her chocolate milk as needed. In one 2 hour block she dropped from 145 to 76, and that was early on in the night. I have no doubt that if we had let her go all night she would have been comatose this morning.

Shortly after this awful realization last night, Steve asked what made me ask about lantus right then as we were both falling asleep. I did not know. There was no train of thought leading up to it, there was just the thought to ask Steve about the lantus and I acted on it. I have no doubt that this miracle was a result of the frequent and regular prayers on Natalies behalf given by us and many of you.

Thank you.


Jeanne said...

Wow, I'm glad that you were in tune with the spirit and that Nat is ok.

Kathy said...

Devany, That is so scary and I'm glad that you acted on the prompting.

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