Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Picture Blowout Send-Off

I stand by my title.

Tonight was our last night with Auntie Janie before she goes to New York City to nanny. I guess those kids are cuter than these (yeah, right!), but we'll find ways to keep in touch.

We went up the canyon for a "barbeque" with foil dinners and Emilie's dutch oven peach cobbler. These are my favorite summer nights. Prepare yourself for a ton of pictures (disclaimer: many were taken by miniature rogue photographers)

Riley did NOT want to be in the picture!!!

Sneaky sneaky!!!

Natalie, taking a picture of Sammy, taking a picture of Natalie.

Janie's former nanny position.

I don't know which of my kids took this, but I'm impressed that it looks set up.

Sweet Natty.

Scary Natty!!

Sweet Riley.

Stevie picking his nose?

Stevie's set-up of Star Wars toys. My son is such a geek.

This about sums it up.

We'll miss you Janie. Have fun in the Big Apple!!!


Emilie Johansen said...

Funny I had no idea that drink thing said that, and that someone got a picture of it.

Jeanne said...

Oh how sad for your family...but what an adventure for Sarah Jane! She'll be great-kids love her!

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