Thursday, October 28, 2010

Bizarre Coincidences

This was so bizarre I had to share it.

I got an order this morning on ETSY. This is ordinary. I scrolled down the email to record the name, address, and any message they leave for me, when I
found that the lady who ordered it was as follows.

Jennifer Daley
Livermore, CA 94550

I omitted the street address for her privacy, however it was not on Arbor Ave. The message she left said she needed the birthday banner by Nov 6th. I promptly contacted her and left her the following message.

"This is the most bizarre order I have ever received. I grew up in Livermore, my parents still live there, my maiden name is Daily, my siser-in-law's name is Jennifer Daily, she lives in Livermore, and my birthday is also next week. Are you by chance married to a Steve?!!!"

She was not married to a Steve.


Jeanne said...

How totally random. Did she know anyone we know?

Devany said...

I don't think she has lived there all that long. She said they just love it there, like they just moved there or something.

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