Tuesday, February 1, 2011


It's over.

I am no longer the Primary Chorister.

This may seem insignifigant to most, but I have been in this calling for a very long time. Since I was called as the chorister...

...Stevie became a sunbeam
...Natalie was born
...Emma was born
...Riley became a sunbeam
...Stevie started school
...Steve has had 3 different jobs
...I started my etsy shop
...I learned to make cakes
...I started my cake "business"
...Natalie was diagnosed with diabetes
...Stevie was baptized

In all, I have been the chorister for over half of my marriage. So if I seem a bit attached, now you know why. I love the calling, I love the kids, I love the music, I love Primary.

Now I have to go babysit the singles. Aren't they supposed to be adults now? Please pardon my attitude. I just left the best calling in the church. Nothing will compare...ever.


Cynthia said...

Your posts are Hil-air-e-us! Except I know of the sadness of this post, so I don't mean it's funny too. It's cool to think of all you went through while in that calling. All I can say is that I made it through nearly a whole pregnancy and putting on the program sent me into labor that night!
Seriously loved those two other recent posts. Made me laugh. And CONGRATS about your business success! I am VERY happy and proud of you. Glad you're my friend, not just because you have found success while being a full time mother, not because I get to eat your cakes, and trade banners with you and you visit teach me....but just because you are YOU!

Jeanne said...

So disregard my last email to you since this is the news I was wondering about. I'm so sad for you. :( Maybe you can teach the singles some primary songs. tee-hee

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