Thursday, March 3, 2011

Gun Control

The other day Steve and I were reading a Facebook discussion that began when a school teacher posted that her children would NEVER be allowed to play with toy guns and that she would NEVER own a gun.

We laughed at the young parents who seemed to think that keeping toy guns out of the hands of their children would somehow keep their children from play shooting, play killing, and being agressive.

Children that do not have toy guns will use ANYTHING as a gun. Children play kill each other because they are using their imagination, they do not fully comprehend death. Children hit because they are children, not because they play with toy guns (not even sure how there was an argument for that in the first place).

All that being said, it was more funny than shocking when my 2 year old came into the living room this afternoon with this.

How does this work?
Where is the trigger?
I think I got it!
Stick 'em up!!!
If you don't find this at least amusing, your children are not old enough yet.


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