...Thursday afternoons!
I've waited nine long years to have "me" time. I have not exercised regularly, shopped alone, cleaned my house thoroughly, kept a garden, or sat down to play the piano in recent memory.
However, I have discovered that Thursday afternoons are child free, far enough from Monday that I am not swamped with banners, and are usually not cake days.
So I decided to take over Thursday afternoon!!!
This is fairly recent, so it's by no means a routine yet, but I have gone swimming twice now and I TOTALLY FORGOT HOW MUCH I LOVE IT.
Please understand, I have not done laps since 1999, so I am not tearing it up or anything, but when I swim I could do it all day long. It is the one "exercise" that does not feel like it. I hate running, I hate zumba, I hate hate hate yoga, I really hate exercising in general. I'm just running down the clock until I'm done. Not so with swimming.
Time flies. I don't want to stop. I feel amazing.
So in the spirit of cliche's, here's what I hope I look like.
This is what I feel like.
This is what I actually look like.
What you cannot tell from this picture is how much fun the elephant is having, and how she doens't care what she looks like, even without a swimsuit.