Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Engelbreit Again

This month many of you have or will be attending a Relief Society birthday dinner. For ours, they are not having everyone make just any cake, they are giving us a recipe to make a very non-decoratable cake. For the record, I do not like being given a recipe. It's a little insulting.

Anyhow, Liz's ward is being much more traditional and accomodating to the creative, so I made hers.

She has this really great cake stand from Mary Engelbreit and wanted a cake to match.

I wanted really bright flowers on top so . . . here they are!

I have now made a 3 tier cake, a 2 tier cake, and a single tier cake all in 2 days. I'm happy to report that I'm still having fun (but I'm really tired).


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