Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Happy Birthday!!!

Our Riley is now 6 years old. Time has gone so fast and yet it seems like she's been in my life forever. I want time to stop and yet I love watching my kids grow up.

Riley had 2 fabulous birthday parties with family and then with friends. She has been planning these parties for the past 2 months!

What girl doesn't love shoes. And Riley is ALL girl!

Hopefully, this will prevent her from breaking my camera again.

She asked for an Ariel cake. This is sort of a cop-out since I used a doll, but I really wanted to do a water themed cake.

Earlier in the day, she hit her knee to her top tooth, knocking it out. That's the little dark spot in her mouth. So she got a present from the tooth fairy for her birthday as well!

Happy Birthday Riley! We love you!!!


Jeanne said...

Happy Birthday Riley!! All my girls miss you so much.

Emilie Johansen said...

Thanks for one fun, busy, birthday weekend.

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