Tuesday, September 28, 2010

My Pointless Rant on the Internet

I don't get it. I just don't see how some people, ok many people, can spend so much time on the internet.

I realize this statement is coming from someone who spends most of the day conversing with customers, listing new items, and taking orders on the internet. But on slow days like today, I tried piddling around on the internet and was only able to entertain myself for about 5 minutes.

It's just not entertaining!

Facebook is a random drivel of stupid comments people make about the minute details of their lives. It's SO STUPID!!!

You Tube is the same thing, only in video form. LAME!

Blogs are unentertaining, unless they are friends and family. And my friends and family don't post often enough to keep me entertained. COME ON PEOPLE!!!

News and Media sites are a load of crap about celebrities I care nothing for.

What is everyone doing all day on the internet??? I hear girls all the time talking about all the time they waste on the internet and how they wish they could get away from it so they could get more done. What am I missing?

The internet is a tool to get things done. It's a means to an end. I have tried on several occasions over the years to "surf the net" and have not been successful as yet.

I'm not some grandma who is intimidated by technology. I love the things the internet brings.
Email, very practial, I don't know how we lived without it.
Walmart.com, for those hard to find items, and they take Paypal.
Paypal, love it!
Online banking, never had it so easy.
ETSY, nuff said.

But I certainly don't spend all day with these tools and am not having trouble getting other things done because of them.

What am I missing here?
(Would you look at that? I just spent 5 minutes on the internet writing this and procrastinating housework! I'm getting better already!!!)


Emilie Johansen said...

I know what you mean, I used to try and try when I worked to surf the internet and I would go crazy. Of course that was before blogs and facebook were big, but even now that doesn't take me long to look through.

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